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Church Bells

Music is an essential part of worship at Trinity Lutheran Church. It is a way to offer our thanks and praise and share our time, talent, and energy in service to our Creator and Lord. Music lifts the soul, opens our hearts, unites our spirits, and enriches our lives.


Many opportunities to serve through music can be found at Trinity. Children, beginning at age three, can participate in a graded choir program. Ensembles for youth and adults study and practice to provide great music for the worship services.


Instrumental music, from handbells to orchestra, is part of the greater musical experience.


You can serve through one of the ensembles; help with leading a choir, or by playing the piano or other instrument. And everyone can add their own "joyful noise" in the songs and hymns sung during worship!


Grades Kindergarten thru 5th | Sundays | 10:15 AM | Room B103

Our Children's Choir learns to sing praise to God using our hymnals as well as beginning to learn the songs from our liturgy. Rhythm instruments and bells are used to help the children see the interrelationship of music and movement.


New Beginnings | Middle & High School Youth

Sundays | 5:30–6:15 PM | Sanctuary

Middle school and high school youth participate in worship with their contemporary praise ensemble. Discussions of music and its role in our faith and worship will be a part of this group. Both instruments and voices are needed. This ensemble leads worship each Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM just prior to Confirmation class.


Dynamic Range

Wednesdays | 7:00–8:30 PM | Sundays | 10:00–10:45 AM | Choir Room

This ensemble plays and sings music in the American folk, gospel and bluegrass traditions. This includes many 19th century revival hymns, camp-meeting songs, and shape-note hymns. Acoustic guitar, banjo, fiddle, and bass accompany the unison and mixed voices.


Dynamic Range leads worship once a month at the 8:30 service.

Chancel Choir

Thursdays | 7:00–8:30 PM | Sanctuary

The Chancel Choir leads worship at our 8:30 AM service. The choir leads the liturgy, psalms and hymns, as well as presenting special choral anthems during the offering. The choir sings a wide variety of musical styles and sources, from chant, baroque, classical, and contemporary.


Mondays | 7:00–9:00 PM | Sanctuary

This group provides an opportunity for singers and musicians to lead worship using instruments other than organ and piano. The music is selected from many sources and usually uses guitars, saxophone, trumpet, and drums. Messenger leads worship every week at the 11:00 AM service.

Resounding Joy

Mondays | 6:30–7:30 PM | Room B105

This handbell choir provides a unique opportunity for adult fellowship in a musical setting. Members of this ensemble understand the level of commitment required to learn the music and techniques. Anthems, preludes, hymns, and liturgy round out the repertoire. Music of intermediate levels are regularly rung. Resounding Joy rings once a month at worship as well as at special festivals, including weddings!

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